Departures at San Francisco International Airport airport (SFO/KSFO)
LIVE! Information about departures flights on San Francisco International Airport (SFO) in real-time
Find out the exact time of landing or departure, gate, terminal as well as flight status. Schedule of the latest flights. Check Arrivals.
Flight Information Airport San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
Track your flight in real time, wherever you are. Find out if your flight your loved ones are late or arriving on time. Find out if your flight your departure flight is open for check-in, passenger drop-off to the aircraft has started or has been cancelled.
100% accurate information updated every 10 minutes. Up-to-date information from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) for all current flights. Flight number, from - to which airport, arrival time and whether the flight is delayed. From which terminal will the aircraft will arrive/depart, and the status of the flight.
For all arriving flights there is information if the flight is delayed and when the estimated time of landing is. This can be changed in due course, so periodically press the "Refresh Information" button or reload page.
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The information on this page is automatically generated from a variety of sources including airport websites, flight databases and other published information. We at endeavour to provide as much real-time information as possible, but we are not responsible for its accuracy or timeliness.