Real-time flight information for all flights and airports worldwide.

Real-time flight information for all airports worldwide. Find the status of your flight, which terminal it departs from, if there is a delay and other useful information.

How do we find information about our flight?

Now you can find all the information you need for your flight with just a few clicks. Use the two search forms to get the schedule of an airport, departing and landing. Or after entering your flight number, you will get useful information such as whether it is delayed, which terminal, gate it lands/departed at.

Find the latest flight schedule for your desired airport. Enter the airport name or airport code in the search box of the "Find airport timetables" form and select from the drop-down menu. It is very important that you use Latin letters because Cyrillic will not give you the information you want. Once you have found and selected your desired airport, select the "Search" button and the system will show you the arrivals information page. From there you will be able to select your arriving or departing flights.

Finding information on a flight you have a number for is similar in a few easy steps. In the form named "Flight Information", click on the input field and type the flight number. Do not add blank spaces before or after the number. Select the "Search"

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The information on this page is automatically generated from a variety of sources including airport websites, flight databases and other published information. We at endeavour to provide as much real-time information as possible, but we are not responsible for its accuracy or timeliness.